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The emergence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community has forced us to change some of our office policies and procedures to assure the health and well-being of all our patients and staff.

Effective immediately, our office will abide by the following procedures:

Any person 3 years and older is required to wear a mask for the entirety of their visit.

To check in for your appointment, we ask that you call from your vehicle once you have arrived in the parking lot.

We will keep well and sick patients separated. Upon arrival, you may be given special instructions.

There will be no walk-in appointments.

We strongly encourage only 1 parent to bring the patient requiring care to the office. If at all possible, please do not bring siblings.

Forms/requests should be mailed, emailed or faxed.

We have the ability to test your child for COVID19 with the rapid test.

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